Pastoral Care
The Deacons at FPC are the first responders in pastoral care. From hospital visits to crisis intervention, to standing alongside those who need support, our Deacon Pastoral Care Team assists the pastor in offering encouragement and spiritual guidance in times of need.
Greeters make worship visitors feel at home.
Responders make follow-up calls to visitors.
And FPC sets a perfect table for food, fellowship, and fun. Hospitality is provided each Sunday morning; receptions on the patio for new members, luncheons after funerals or memorial services, monthly fellowship dinners, the 4th of July Cookout, and any other excuse for a party.
Fellowship Dinners
Our fellowship dinners boast of food that is "filling and comforting". Programs are entertaining and enlightening but have fewer calories.
Sunday school classes for youth meet each week at 8:45 A.M.
Classes for children are highly interactive. Two experienced teachers meet with each class. This keeps the ratio of students to teachers low and encourages student engagement.
Small Groups
Several small groups are active at FPC. Presbyterian Women Ruth Circle meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 11:30 A.M. Rebekah Circle meets on the 2nd Thursday at 9:30 A.M.